Westward Ho Folks

This blog chronicled (via a diary and photos) a trip that Terry and his wife Stefi took across the U.S. singing in nursing homes. The trip has since concluded and we are now living full-time for the Lord in a mission, serving the needy and homeless.

Sunday, June 25, 2006

The Hand of God

We are still in upstate New York for a few more weeks before we begin heading west. Nevertheless, we are having a great time, and keep ourselves open to new adventures.
That might just describe what took place in Walmart yesterday (Saturday).
Stefi and I went shopping at Walmart, and as we walked in, we heard a man singing rather loudly...but off key. As we passed by, he stopped singing, reached out for Stefi's arm and said "Can you sing?"
To give you the abbreviated version, we volunteered to offer our singing services for about an hour right there in the entrance of Walmart, and it was for a good cause. There was a money jar on the table for a Army vet who had been injured in Iraq, and people were dropping money in the jar for him. Phil was the man's name, and he could not have been happier that we sang.
As we were leaving, Stefi said, that was just like the hand of God reaching out and touching my arm. For us, it was just like finding a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow...were we ever blessed.